2013/09 - New research into changing early eating habits from HABEAT and VIVA

 HabEat parallel symposium organised on 19 September from 11:30 to 13:30, during the IUNS 20th International Congress of Nutrition that will be held in Granada (Spain)

"Early diet is critical for later development - new research into changing early eating habits from HABEAT and VIVA"


1. Speaker 1: Dr Pauline Emmett, University of Bristol, UK - title: "Critical periods for eating habit development; results from cohort studies in France, Portugal, Greece and UK "
2. Speaker 2: Dr George Moschonis, University of Harokopio: topic on "intervention on TASTE study "
3. Speaker 3: Prof. Marion Hetherington, University of Leeds- title: "Learning to like vegetables: applying learning theory to the acquisition of preferences for novel vegetables from 6 – 36m"
4. Speaker 4: Dr Gertrude Zeinstra, DLO-Food & Biobased Research: title "Increasing vegetable consumption by social learning in 3- to 6-year-olds: theory and practice"
5. Speaker 5: Dr Sophie Nicklaus, INRA: title: “Caloric compensation and eating in the absence of hunger in early childhood: impact of parental feeding practices”
