2011/07 - International conference on childhood obesity in Portugal

The International Conference on Childhood Obesity – CIOI2011 took place in Portugal in July 2011. The meeting focused on childhood policies and programs to counteract obesity, with speakers from International Organizations and NGOs like IASO, ECOG and WHO and also National and Local Governments, from Health and Education, along with the private sector and other stakeholders. Major topics covered included childhood obesity epidemiology, psychosocial and behavioural determinants, health promotion in schools and community, and intersectorial actions and policies.

“In the meeting I was invited to cover “diet and food patterns in childhood obesity”, and I was much honored to have the chance of presenting a global overview of HabEat Project aims during my lecture. This was very exciting given the research needs on fetal nutrition, food habits and eating patterns in infancy. As professor and researcher at the Faculty of Nutrition and Food Sciences, and the Public Health Institute of the University of Porto, my role is to participate in the Portuguese team headed by Carla Lopes (Faculty of Medicine of Porto).”

Prof Pedro Moreira: pedromoreira@fcna.up.pt

Faculty of Nutrition and Food Sciences, and the Public Health Institute of the University of Porto (FMUP), Portugal

