DAY 1: Monday 31st March 2014
13:00-14:00 Registration (FREE)
Session 1 “Infant feeding & complementary feeding”
14:00-14:05 Welcome – Luc Penicaud, CNRS & Sylvie Issanchou - INRA, France
14:05-14:20 Introduction: Sylvie Issanchou - INRA, France
14:20-15:10 How influential is early experience with food-related odours and flavours: a look at paradoxes: Benoist Schaal - CNRS, France
15:10-15:35 Early feeding practices and later food habits: Blandine de Lauzon-Guillain - INSERM, France
15:35-16:00 Early feeding practices and child's growth: Yannis Manios - Harokopio University, Greece
16:00-17:00 Poster session 1 & Coffee break
17:00-17:25 Introduction of vegetables in the diet: Lucy Cooke - University of London, UK
17:25-18:30 Discussions
Introduction: Carla Lopes - University of Porto, Portugal
20:00-22:30 Gala diner (FREE)
DAY 2: Tuesday 1st April 2014
Session 2 “Eating behaviour in toddlers and young children”
09:00-09:20 Learning to like vegetables: introducing the HabEat experiments: Marion Hetherington – University of Leeds, UK
09:20-09:45 Strategies for learning to eat and like new vegetables: Victoire de Wild - Wageningen University, the Netherlands
09:45-10:10 Interventions to increase vegetable intake in early childhood: Gertrude Zeinstra - Stitching DLO, the Netherlands
10:10-10:35 Modelling the role of individual differences in the effectiveness of interventions to increase vegetable intake in childhood: Pam Blundell – University of Leeds, UK
10:35-11:35 Poster session 2 & Coffee break
11:35-12:00 Control of food intake and impact of parental practices: Sophie Nicklaus - INRA, France
12:00-13:00 Discussions
Introduction: Pauline Emmett - University of Bristol, UK
13:00-14:30 Lunch (FREE)
Session 3 “Translating science into practice”
14:30-15:20 Promising interventions and research areas in complementary feeding and healthy growth promotion: Kim Fleischer Michaelsen - University of Copenhagen, Denmark
15:20-16:00 General discussion on recommendations and conclusion
16:00 End of symposium