La répétition des expositions est un des principaux déterminants de l’acceptation des aliments par les enfants1. La première fois que les nourrissons goûtent un aliment, ils en consomment souvent peu, mais ils en mangent davantage les fois suivantes2. Répéter les expositions à différents fruits et légumes est une méthode d’apprentissage efficace et simple à mettre en œuvre à domicile ou en crèche3-6.
1. Nicklaus S. Children's acceptance of new foods at weaning. Role of practices of weaning and of food sensory properties. Appetite. 2011;57(3):812-815.
2. Maier AS, Chabanet C, Schaal B, Issanchou SN, Leathwood PD. Effects of repeated exposure on acceptance of initially dislike vegetables in 7-months old infants. Food Quality and Preference. 2007;18(8):1023-1032.
3. Caton S. Ahern S, Remy E, Nicklaus S, Blundell P, Hetherington M. Repetition counts: repeated exposure increases intake of a novel vegetable in UK pre-school children compared to flavour–flavour and flavour–nutrient learning. The British Journal of Nutrition.FirstView, doi:10.1017/S0007114512004126 (2012).
4. de Wild V, de Graaf C, Jager G. Effectiveness of flavour nutrient learning and mere exposure as mechanisms to increase toddler’s intake and preference for green vegetables. Appetite. 2013;64:89-96.
5. Hausner H, Olsen A, Møller P. Mere exposure and flavour–flavour learning increase 2–3 year-old children’s acceptance of a novel vegetable. Appetite. 2012;58(3):1152-1159.
6. Remy E, Issanchou S, Chabanet C, Nicklaus, S. Repeated exposure of infants at complementary feeding to a vegetable purée increases acceptance as effectively as flavor-flavor learning and more effectively than flavor-nutrient learning. Journal of Nutrition. doi:10.3945/jn.113.175646.